Product Update
July 27, 2023
July ZenCase Update
- New Feature: Client Portal. The client portal is a website designed specifically for your clients to be able to view and pay invoices online when integrated with Law Pay and ZenCase. You can easily add as many client portal users to specific clients which will give the users the ability to view those specific clients from the Client Portal website. If you have permissions, you now have the ability to add a client portal user from a specific client page on the “Portal” tab. Please view article in our Help Center for Add Portal Users To Client Portal For A Client
- New Feature: Fixed Fee Matter Billing. A fixed fee matter is a matter that represents the estimated fixed fee total amount for the invoiced bill. You can add time entries as a fixed fee entry which will proportionately be adjusted to fulfill the fixed fee matter total amount for the invoice. What will determine whether to use Fixed Fee Matter Billing or Fixed Fee Task Billing? Fixed Fee Task Billing requires a time entry to be associated with a task that is setup to be a fixed fee task. Fixed Fee Mater Billing does not require a time entry to be associated with a fixed fee task, however the matter must be designated as a fixed fee matter. You can choose to have fixed fee billing setup at the task or matter level for a time entry. Please view article in our Help Center for Setup Fixed Fee Billing For Matters
- New Feature: Merge Multiple Matters. On the Matters list page you now have the ability to merge multiple matters into a single matter. By merging multiple matters, you select the “Primary Matter” in which to merge the other matters into and this action will copy all matter details and billing information to the primary matter.
- New Feature: Matter Subtypes. Firm administrators now have the option to add a matter subtype which are used to categorize matters by matter subtype. In Firm Settings > Settings > Matter Subtypes tab, you can add, update, or delete matter subtypes. On the Matters list page, you can edit a matter to associate a matter to a matter subtype and you can also filter the Matters list by matter subtype.
- New Feature: Member Email Digest Settings. You can now configure your email digest settings to retrieve certain emails to be included in a Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Digest if desired. By default, all members will receive all emails immediately. Click your name in the top right, click “Your Account” from dropdown menu, click “Settings” tab and then click “Email Settings” tab from left navigation. You will see your Email Digest settings and which emails are included in the digest.
- New Improvement: Mail Has 3 Column Layout. On the Mail page, the layout has been redesigned to support a folder structure and have a similar design view to Outlook desktop. You can now view your folders, an email list, and email pane in a 3 column layout view.
- New Improvement: NetDocuments Document Merge Preview. On the contact or matter page, when you click “Create Document” and merge document fields for a matter, you will now see a preview of the document contents in the right side of the page. You can now get a look at what’s inside the document while merging a document when integrated with NetDocuments.
- New Improvement: Re-Ordering Columns Persists. On all list pages that support the “Settings” button for a table view, any re-ordering of columns will now save to your user settings and be persisted when you refresh the page.
- New Improvement: Firm Configurations For Require Charge Description And Apply Trust Funds. Firm Administrators now have the options to (1) require charge description for time entries, fixed fees, and expenses, and (2) apply trust funds by default for new contacts and matters. Go to Firm Settings > Configurations > Billing & Payments tab. Under the Billing And Payments section, you will see two new toggle options for “Require Charge Description” and “Default Apply Trust Funds”.
- On the Tasks list page, dependent task options are active by default. From the tasks list page, under Action, select “View Task Details”. On the task details page, click on the “Dependencies” tab. Click “Add Dependency”. In the “Task” column selection dropdown, there is now an option to choose to include “Inactive Tasks”.
- On the Time & Expenses list page, you can now perform a bulk action to “Add Task” to multiple time entries and fixed fees at once. This action can only be performed on time entries and fixed fees as expenses cannot be associated with a task.
- On the Unbilled list page, you can filter unbilled charges by the “Charge Member” or “Has LEDES” filter options.
- On the Pre-Billed list page, you can filter pre-bills by the “Charge Date” or “Matter Type” filter options.
- On the Reports > Matter A/R page, you can now filter by charge type to include or exclude expenses in the report.
- On the Reports > Member Performance page, you can sort by Member Type and filter by Member Type, Matter Type, Billing Type, and Fixed Fee Time Entries.
- On the Report > Rate Assignments page, you can filter rate assignments by the “Bill Rate” amount, “No Rate”, and “Pre-Bill Reviewer” filter options.
- On the Reports > Receipt Allocations page, you can now select which columns you would like to export to either a CSV or PDF file.
- On the Reports > Cuts page, values were added for invoiced Cuts amount, invoiced Removed from Bill amount, and invoiced Non-Billable amount.
- On the Invoices list page, allows a new table action for “Pay From Trust” option. Under the Actions column, select the “…” and then you should see “Pay From Trust” when the matter on the invoice has a positive trust balance, otherwise you will not see the button.
- On the Payments list page, editing an indvidual payment from the Action column, clicking “Edit Payment”, you now have the ability to edit the payment date.
- On the Trust Transactions list page, new filters were added to filter trust transactions by Client Originator, Client Manager, Matter Originator, and Matter Manager. New columns were also added to the trust transactions table for these filters as well.
- Zen KM importers are now available for importing Subjects, Facts, Authorities, Questions, Answers, Connections, Documents, and Memos into Zen KM for multiple matters.
May 31, 2023
- New Improvement: Bulk Apply Invoice Discounts. Pre-Billed list page now supports a bulk action to apply invoice discounts as a percentage of the total fees or a fixed amount discount.
- New Report: Client Ledger Entries Report. Go to the Reports page from the left navigation bar. Under the “All” tab, you will now see a new report for Client Ledger Entries report. Click the “View Report” button to view all ledger entries for a specific client. You can filter or export the report with available filter options.
- Pre-Billed list page supports a new filter for invoice date and due at date range.
- Viewing a specific pre-bill, when you delete a pre-bill, then the next pre-bill in the right sidebar pre-bills list will populate as the next pre-bill after the page reloads.
- Editing an individual pre-bill, you now have the option to apply an invoice discount to the fees as a percentage or a fixed amount.
- Tasks lists page is now filterable by “Assigned By”, the person who assigned the task.
- Trust Transactions now supports the ability to Void a trust transaction that was entered mistakenly or a bill/payment was voided.
- On the My Calendar page, clicking any date on the calendar will bring up a Add New Event pop up window so you can easily add new events for a specific day. When viewing in the Daily view, you can click on a certain time and create a new event for that specific date and time.
- On the My Calendar page, editing an existing event now has a new option next to the Save button for “Save As Time Entry” option which will pop up the time entry form with the event details.
- In the right sidebar panel, viewing Matter bookmarks, you will now see a new clock icon button where you can quickly add a new time entry for a bookmarked matter.
- Zen KM lists page supports the Number column for all Zen KM item tables.
- Tasks list page supports bulk deletion of multiple tasks.
- Viewing a specific Tasks Blueprint, the individual tasks will be sorted by last updated at date by default.
- Most list pages and reports with filter for “Tag” supports a new option to filter by “No Tag” to view items where no tag exists on the item.
- Most list pages and reports with an export option supports a new option to export as CSV or PDF. Selecting the columns to view will also save your last selection options for next time.
- Firm Settings importers were updated to support more attributes for Jurisdictions, Billing Types, Member Types, Soft Costs, and Tags.
May 17, 2023
- Unbilled list pages for Matter and Client has a new action in the Action column for “View Charges” so you can view all of the charges that will consist of the pre-bill once generated.
- On the Calendar page, viewing or editing an existing event, the location field now has a link icon to go to the website page.
- Import Task Blueprints into a Matter now supports importing blueprints with a start date or due date. Selecting a start date will populate task blueprints after the start date. Selecting a due date will populate task blueprints before the due date.
- Pre-Bill and Invoice PDFs will now display the Address 2 on a new line.
- Importing contact and matter connections now support the billing contact boolean column in the import CSV file.
May 8, 2023
- New Feature: OpenAI Chat GPT Integration. ZenCase now offers a new assistant to help you with every day tasks, such as drafting documents, emails, and much more. From the right sidebar, click on the robot icon. At the bottom of the screen, send the assistant your message for a quick reply.
- New Improvement: Member Level Abbreviations. Firm members can now define a set of abbreviations specifically for their account that will be private to them. In the top right corner, click on your name, click Your Account. Click on the “Settings” tab. In the left sidebar navigation, click “Abbreviations” to view table. Click “Add Abbreviation” to add new private member specific abbreviations. When you add or edit a time entry, fixed fee, or expense, start typing in the description field and you will see your abbreviation appear.
- New Improvement: Conflict Check Report Support Email and Calendar Events. Performing a conflict check report now supports two new options when integrated with Microsoft 365 in ZenCase: Emails and Calendar Events. Go to the Reports > Conflict Check > Run report page and you should see two new checkbox options for Emails and Calendars, then click “Run Report”.
- Firm Settings > Vendors table and importer now supports website and note field for each vendor.
- Timer in the right sidebar panel now has an option to add Matter while timer is still running.
- Timer improvements for when you stop a timer you will now have three new options to: Create Time Entry From Timer, Delete Timer, Or Resume Timer.
- Matter Ledger now has a Payment Date column available in the table.
- Task Blueprints now support bulk actions to update properties for multiple tasks at once.
- Task bulk actions now supports a checkbox option to “Ignore Deadlines” when editing the start date or due date for multiple tasks.
- Time & Expenses list page you can now view payments for an individual charge item. In the Actions column, click the “…” three dots icon. Click “View Payments”. Note: If the “View Payments” button is disabled, there are no payments for the charge. A right sidebar panel should open and display the list of payments that have been allocated to the charge.
- Zen KM Quick Add Button now has a Client select dropdown for filtering Matters in the Matter select dropdown. In the top right click on the “+” icon, and then click “Add Zen KM Item”. Choose a type, such as Subject, and then you will see a new Client dropdown which will help to filter Matters in the Matter dropdown.
- Zen KM all the list pages now support “Settings” button in the top right of the tables so you can turn on and off certain columns to display.
- Pre-Bill and Invoice PDFs now have a slightly wider content area to allow more space for charge numbers on pre-bills.
- Partner Dashboard is now cached with hours graph and hour bubbles both cached hourly, while the remaning report totals, such as A/R and collections, will be updated approximately every 4 hours for improved performance.
- Attorney Dashboard, the hours graph is now cached and will be updated every hour for improved performance.
- All Audit pages now have a “Load More” button at the bottom of the table so you can load more audits as you scroll to the bottom of the page for improved performance.
April 25, 2023
- New Feature: NetDocuments Reviewers. Please view article in our Help Center for Setup And Use NetDocuments Document Reviewers In ZenCase
- New Feature: Soft Costs Support Percentage Of Invoice. Please view article in our Help Center for Setup A Soft Cost Expense For Percentage Of Invoice Fees In ZenCase
- New Report: Cuts Report. Go to the Reports page from the left navigation bar. Under the “All” tab, you will now see a new report for Cuts report. Click the “View Report” button to view all member time entries by client and matter to show the difference in actual hours and adjusted hours to view how much time was cut when billed. You can filter or export the report with available filter options.
- New Report: Client Invoice & Payment Legacy Report. For customers with data migrated from another system into ZenCase, any records that exist in the legacy billing records table will now be viewable in a printable and exportable report that will show the Client & Matter invoices and payments based on the legacy billing records.
- Collections overview report is now filterable by a Division, Jurisdiction, and Matter Custom Field Value. Go to Reports > Collections Overview > View Report and click “All Filters”. There should be new filters for Division, Jurisdiction, and Matter Custom Field select dropdowns.
- Contacts and Matters list page suppprts a new bulk action for “Edit Manager” and “Edit Originator” in order to bulk set a manager or originator to multiple items.
- On the Unbilled list page, a new filter has been added to “Exclude No Show On Bill Charges” which will exclude any time entry that has “Show On Bill” marked as “No” from the unbilled charges list when generating pre-bills.
- Editing A Time Entry, Fixed Fee, or Expense has a “Save” button instead of “Done” button to ensure changes are saved.
- In Zen KM lists page, on the “Documents” tab, editing a document you will now have an option for “None” when setting Document Type.
- Data migration specialists will be provided with more improved performance when importing large csv files.
April 12, 2023
- New Feature: Split Fee Billing. Please view articles in our Help Center for Setup Split Fee Billing Arrangements For A Matter.
- New Feature: ZenCase Pre-Defined Dashboards for Attorney and Partner. Firm Administrators can choose to select an Attorney or Patner dashboard for a specific security group. Go to Firm Settings > Security Groups. Select a security group in the table and under Actions column, select “Edit” pencil icon. You should see a new “Dashboard” select dropdown under the Description text box. Choose your dashboard. Please Note: Partner dashboards contain all firm wide specific billing and performance information and Attorney dashboards contain only member specific billing and performance information. Once a dashboard is set, any member in the specified security group will see a new dashboard on the “Home” page. Dashboards are predefined at this time and we plan to add improvements which will allow for customizations in the future.
- New Improvement: Payment Allocations Directly to Fees or Expenses. You can now choose to allocate a payment directly to fees or expenses. On the Payments list page, under the Actions column, select the three dots “…” icon. Click “View Allocations”. In the “Allocated” or “Unallocated” tab, choose an invoice if avaialble and in the Actions column, click the “Edit” pencil icon. You will now see a radio option at the top of the Edit Allocation pop up dialog. Select “Allocate By Fees or Expenses”. You can now enter an amount for fees to allocate and expenses to allocate. Click “Save” to allocate directly to fees or expenses.
- New Improvement: Billing Statements Visible In Pre-Bills Section. On the Pre-Billed list page, you will now see a new tab for “Statements”. You can now generate billing statements by matter or by client from the “Statements” tab of the Pre-Bills section of the website.
- New Report: Aged WIP Report. Go to the Reports page from the left navigation bar. Under the “All” tab, you will now see a new report for Aged WIP report. Click the “View Report” button to view all aged wip amounts by client or by matter. You can filter or export the report with available filter options.
- New Report: Rate Assignment Report. Go to the Reports page from the left navigation bar. Under the “All” or “Billing” tab, you will now see a new report for Rate Assignments. Click the “View Report” button to view all rate assignements table for contacts and matters. You can filter or export the report with available filter options.
- New Report: Vendor Summary and Vendor Details Reports. Go to the Reports page from the left navigation bar. Under the “All” or “Billing” tab, you will now see a new report for Vendor Summary and Vendor Details. Click the “View Report” button to view your vendor summary or vendor details for expenses. You can filter or export the report with available filter options.
- Firm Administrators can now scope Tags to be visible for certain resources. Go to Firm Settings > Settings > Tags. Add or Edit a tag and in the tag form popup, you will see a “Scopes” select dropdown. Select the scope you want the tag to be visible. Scopes are an opt-in scenario. Once you set a scope, the specific tags will only be available to the selected scopes, otherwise the default is “All”.
- Matter types can now be marked as inactive by firm administrators to limit visibility of matter types in select dropdowns throughout the application. Go to Firm Settings > Settings > Matter Types and edit a matter type in the table. You can check or uncheck the “Active” checkbox.
- On the Contacts list page or when viewing a specific contact, you can now update a Contact Status to be “Closed”. You will also see a new column on the Contacts list page for “Status Changed At” for the date and time when a status has been set to a non-active status.
- Viewing a specific matter, the “Billing Actions” have support for new actions for Add Trust Transaction, Add Client Refund, and Add Client Transfer.
- Viewing a specific matter, if you are integrated with Net Documents, you should now see a “Open in Net Documents” button on the “Files” tab for a matter. The “Open in Net Documents” tab will open a new tab that will redirect you to the Net Documents matter workspace.
- Zen KM filters are now consistent between the left navigation Zen KM list page and the Matter > Zen KM tab list page. All filters should now be available between all Zen KM pages.
- Time and Expenses list page now uses the new “All Filters” design for filtering charges on the list page.
- Time and Expenses list page now supports editing LEDES codes in bulk by task code, activity code, or expense code without requiring all codes present.
- ATM Time Suggestions you can now add a task and tags to time suggestions.
- ATM Time Suggestions should now only show active matters in the Matter select dropdown list.
- Timers can now be started right within timer panel. In the top right, next to your name, click on the paragraph icon. You will now see a right panel open up. Click on the stopwatch icon. You should now see a “Add Timer” button to start a timer.
- Import Task Blueprints will now have a Start Date available which will set the dates for all of the tasks being import by a blueprint. Tasks will be based off of the start date when importing into a Matter.
- Deleting a payment will now prompt users to enter the payment number to confirm deletion. Accidental deletion should now be prevented by this additional action to confirm payment deletion.
- Non-Client contacts will now be available in Box, NetDocuments, and SharePoint integratons from the Contact > Files tab.
- Box integration will now audit actions and display history to firm administrators. Go to Firm Settings > Integrations > Box. Click on the “History” tab to view audits.
- ECFX integration will now audit actions and display history to firm administrators. Go to Firm Settings > Integrations > ECFX. Click on the “History” tab to view audits.
- Data migration specialists will be provided with more validation support, improved error handling, and improved performance when importing large csv files.
February 27, 2023
- New Feature: Jurisdictions. Firm administrators have the option to setup jurisdictions for their lawfirm. In Firm Settings > Settings > Jurisdictions tab you can enter as many jurisdictions as needed. Then, in the Firm Settings > Settings > Matter Types table, you can specify which matter types to enable jurisdictions. By enabling jurisdictions for a matter type, when firm members create a new matter, they will see a new selection dropdown for “Jurisdiction” for the specific matter type. They can choose to set a jurisdiction for each matter if needed.
- New Improvement: Client And Matter Billing Actions. Directly from the Client or Matter page, you can now perform quick billing actions in the top right corner. Click the “Billing Actions” button to view pre-blls, generate a pre-bill, receive payment, or generate a new billing statement.
- New Improvement: Client And Matter Payment Summaries On Invoice PDF. Firm administrators can setup the option to default all invoices to show Client and/or Matter Payment Summary tables on the invoice pdf. Go to Firm Settings > Configurations > Billing & Payments tab. Toggle on the “Show Client Payment Summary” or “Show Matter Payment Summary” options. Go to Unbilled list page and generate new pre-bills. View a specific pre-bll, click on “Settings”. You will see that the options will be set by default with your firm settings options. You can always choose to override the option for each pre-bill in the Settings panel. Click “Print Preview” from the pre-bill show page and you will see new payment summary tables only if previous payments exists between the last invoice billed to now.
- Alert notifications have now been moved to the upper right corner of the browser screen. Any success pop up will now display in the upper right corner out of the way of the page content.
- Contacts now support a new field for Company Website which will also be a link to go to the website directly. You must include the “http://” in the address for the link to redirect.
- Individual Pre-Bills now have the option to turn on or off the Law Pay payment link. View a specific pre-bill, click “Settings”. Under the “PDF Summary Settings”, you should see the toggle button for “Show Law Pay Link On Invoice” to show or hide the law pay payment link.
- Memos can now be sorted by memo, date, created at, or updated at in either ascending or descending order. Visit the memos list from the Contacts or Matters list page under the Actions column, clicking the comment bubble icon. Alternatively, you can go to a specific contact or specific matter page and click on the “Memos” tab.
- Firm administrators can now turn on charge numbers to display only on pre-bills. Go to Firm Settings > Configurations > Billing And Payments page. Under “Default Invoice PDF Summary” section, toggle on or off the option for “Show Pre-Bill Charge Numbers”. This will show all charge numbers on pre-bills when previewing or printing. Viewing a specific pre-bill, click on “Settings” to turn on/off the pre-bill charge numbers for an individual pre-bill.
- ATM suggestions now have a “Save and Add to Billing” button on when editing automated time card suggestions. Go to Time & Expenses list page > “ATM” tab, and from the Actions column of the table, click the pencil edit icon for a Suggestion. You should now see a “Save and Add to Billing” button.
- Data migration specialists now have the option to import Firm Custom Fields into ZenCase with the proper security permissions for Custom Fields > Import permissions.
February 8, 2023
- New Feature: SharePoint Integration. Firm administrators can now setup their lawfirm to integrate the SharePoint document management system directly with ZenCase. Document merges will copy files into your SharePoint document library and allow you to store document blueprints as well.
- New Feature: Billing Statements. You can now generate billing statements for all open invoices and payments or by a specific date range for a client. From the left navigation, click on “Billing Statements”. On the Billing Statements list page, you can generate and email a statement for finalized billing statements. When the “Status” is “Finalized”, click the three dots in the Action column and select “Email Statement”. In the pop up, choose the client email address, then click “Send”. You can also “View Email History” from the Action column as well for any finalized billing statement.
- New Improvement: Conflict Check Report. You can now perform a conflict check in ZenCase by going to the Reports > Conflict Check > Run page and enter your search term, select search locations to include, and click “Run Conflict Check”. You should receive an email when the report is ready. You can view all the conflict check history from the Reports > Conflict Check > History page.
- On the Calendar page, you can now view your calendar items in the calendar view or the list view. Select one of the two tabs for “Calendar” or “List”.
- On the Contact details page, email links are now clickable and will open in your Desktop Email client if you have one configured.
- On the Time & Expenses list page, you can now filter time entries by the “Billable” filter.
- On the Invoices list page you can now sort by the “Due Amount” column.
- On the Invoices list page, you can now select under the Actions column to “Email Overdue Reminder” which will allow you to select your options and then send the specified email addresses a copy of the invoice overdue reminder email.
- The Unbilled, Pre-Billed, and Invoices list pages now support both Billing Cycle and Billing Type as new filters and table columns.
- Viewing a specific contact, you can now connect to a matter from the Contact > Matters tab page. Click the “Connect to Matter” button. In the pop up, select the matter to connect, the relationship to matter, and any other details, then click “Save”. You will now see the matter appear in the Contact > Matters table.
- Viewing a specific pre-bill, the list of pre-bills on the right sidebar will now display the Matter for each pre-bill. For multiple matters on a pre-bill, click the hamburger (three horizontal lines) icon next to the first matter’s name and you will see the list of all the remaining matters.
- Pre-Bill reviewers can now be removed from a pre-bill along with their comment. On the Pre-Billed list page in the Reviewers column, you can click the trash can icon to remove a reviewer with their approval comment. Viewing a specific pre-bill, in the top header toolbar, click “Reviewers” and then in the right panel, click the trash can icon to remove a reviewer with their approval comment.
- Pre-Bill reviewers can now choose to set their review to “Approve”, “Reviewing”, and “Reject”. The Pre-Billed list page supports filtering by Reviewer and Reviewer Status, also Bulk Actions to approve, review, or reject multiple pre-bills.
- Zen KM list page now has all of the dependency link and unlink options in more locations. Also, when editing a Zen KM item, the “Done” button was replaced with two save options for: “Save” and “Save and Add Another”.
- The Client Invoices & Payments Report page now supports filters by Invoice Date, Invoice Due Date, and Payment Date.
- Time & Expenses > ATM Suggestions page now supports editing of both existing time entries and suggestions.
- Law Pay customer payment page will now allow users to edit the payment amount when paying with Law Pay.
- The contact and vendor importers now support international addresses when importing during data migration.
January 9, 2023
- New Feature: Pre-Bill Reviewers. Firm administrators can now setup their lawfirm members by member type to be a “Pre-Bill Reviewer” and then add a new role assignment to any matter. Check the “Pre-Bill Reviewer” checkbox when adding a new role assignment to a matter. Generate pre-bills and the role reviewers for that matter will automatically be assigned as a pre-bill reviewer when the pre-bill is marked as “Ready for Review”. You can also individually add pre-bill reviewers from the Pre-Billed list page or when viewing a specific pre-bill. Reviewers have the ability to add a comment and mark the pre-bill as “Approved”.
- New Feature: Firm Custom Contact And Matter Numbering System. Firm administrators have the ability to setup specific prefix, suffix, and starting numbers for contacts, clients, and matters to have custom numbers when creating new contacts and matters. There are additional options for the matter to allow a prefix with client numbers and add delimiter to separate the client number from the matter number.
- Firm administrators now have the ability to set granular invoice PDF defaults when generating pre-bills from the unbilled list page. Go to Firm Settings > Configurations > Billing And Payments section. You will see new options under the “Default Invoice PDF Summary” section which will allow you to turn on/off each individual line items under the Client Summary, Matter Summary, Time Summary for Invoice, Invoice Summary and Trust Replenishment Summary sections. Once these settings have been made, any newly generated pre-bills will apply the firm defaults to the PDF settings which can be updated afterwards for each individual pre-bill.
- Matters list page now supports a new bulk action for “Edit Role Member” which allows you to add, transfer, or remove role assignment(s) by a member and/or member type for multiple matters.
- Zen KM list page now supports filtering by “Resource Type”, “Connection”, and “Connection Role”.
- Unbilled list page has a search bar so you can find unbilled charges by clients’ or matters’ number and/or names.
- Time & Expenses list page the Daily Hours Overview bar at the top of the page will now highlight any work hours below 8 hours. You will also see tooltips for the day of the week when you hover your mouse over the calendar day.
- Reports list home page now has category tabs so you can quickly filter by the report type to access a specific report.
- Time Entries Calendar Report now has a new filter for “Include Unbillable Time” which is set to “No” by default.
- Trust Transactions list page filters has been redesigned to use the new “All Filters” button which will open in a right panel.
- Pre-Billed list page filters has been redesigned to use the new “All Filters” button which will open in a right panel.
- Pre-Bill show page, when viewing a specific pre-bill, click on “Settings” and the client, matter, and pdf summary settings now supports the ability to show or hide the Invoice Discount Note on the final invoice PDF.
- Unbilled > Matters list and Pre-Billed list pages both have a new column for “Matter Managers” which will list all the managers for the matters associated with the pre-bill or unblled charges.
- Invoices list page filter by Client or Matter select dropdowns are now allow for multiple selections instead of single selection.